Thursday, August 8, 2013


Since I'm in a funky mood today (that's a nice way to say I'm kinda annoyed, but I don't exactly why), I thought I'd make a list of things that have been getting on my nerves, see if any of them annoy you too. Here goes....

Things That Annoy Me Lately

1. Blogger: when I first click on it, the blogs in my reading list are never there. I have et out and log back on. That's annoying!

2. TV: even though I have 500 gazillion channels, there never seems to be anything on worth watching.  I don't like watching movies I've seen already, and when I read the synopsis of some of the movies they're playing, I feel like retching. Reality tv is even worse; Amish Mafia, really? Who watches that stuff, or the housewives from anytown USA...better stop before I have to run to the bathroom....

3. Work: you knew this was coming sooner or later. The problem with teaching is that when you're off for a few weeks, you DON"T want to go back to work, you really really don't, and that's not good.

4. Weather: yep, I'm gonna pick on the weather too. It has been rather cool for August, which is good for some things like cycling, nut not so good for going to the beach. Which brings me to #5

5. California beaches: if you've ever seen a movie where they show a sunny beach in the golden state, do not believe it! California beaches are always foggy in summer and the Sun usually comes out for about 15 minutes, if at all, in the afternoon. 

6. Bad drivers: pretty much anybody in this valley I live in. I don't know but I think people around here  wake up with  huge brain holes where all their driving knowledge gone on a regular basis.

Well, I think I'm done, I kinda feel better, maybe I should do a 'things that make me happy' list soon....  So, do any of these things annoy you too? 


  1. Question:
    So, do any of these things annoy you too?
    All of them!!

  2. I'm glad you mentioned the blogger thing, that happens to me too.

    I wonder if any teacher truly loves their job.

  3. Beaches in California are foggy?? I can't tell you how disillusioned that makes me feel. Crappy TV I already knew about, you just need to buy DVDs.

  4. Yep, blogger does that to me, too sometimes. Very annoying. And that's why I don't have satellite or cable. I do at the moment because I live with my parents and they have it. But no, there's NEVER anything on.

  5. Yep, I'm gonna have to agree with just about all of those. Can I add my husband to the list? LOL

  6. That blogger thing annoys me too. I love signing in and it telling me, "You are not currently following any blogs." The hell I'm not. This is why I just bookmark my favorite blogs.

  7. This is why I got rid of my dish. Paying $100 a month to not watch. I don't think so.
    When Blogger says I am not following blogs, I refresh the page and it comes back. Screw logging out and back in.

  8. Glad you felt better after unloading these, and yes; I share some of the same peeves.

    I did not know that about California beahes.

    I assume that you're back at school and that it wasn't too tough to get there :)

  9. Glad you felt better after unloading these, and yes; I share some of the same peeves.

    I did not know that about California beahes.

    I assume that you're back at school and that it wasn't too tough to get there :)

  10. When you come back, I have a new blog. Just click on Susie. (Formerly Loonysuse)

    Hope you DO come back.
