Friday, June 14, 2013


Finally, school's out for summer, except I still have three days of meetings next week. Oh yeah, what a great idea uh? Make a bunch of over worked, super tired teachers get together and talk at them for three days, yup, that's my idea of fun. Hopefully, my snoring won't be too loud. Today, it was promotion day, we had three of them due to the large number of students. My 'job' was to keep the parents from wandering on campus while the 6th and 7th graders were there, which meant I spent the majority of the day in the quad, on my feet, in the sun, loved every minute of it....NOT!. Oh well, the kids were all cute and had nice clothes on for a change. Some of the parents/relatives though made me scratch my head and close my eyes, guess they don't know about that age old saying, 'just because they make it in your size, it doesn't mean you should wear it'.  About half of them would have made the perfect guest on 'What Not To Wear', the disaster edition...

On other news, after the snore fest next week, we'll be flying to warmer waters to the south of us, Cabo to be exact. Can't wait to do some snorkeling, sunbathing, swimming, sunbathing, eating, sunbathing...finally I won't be a cracker anymore! Then, I'll be going home for a couple of weeks, where I will finally get some decent coffee, among other deliciousnesses. Besides my family, of all the things I miss, food is definitely up there, maybe even #1. Sumer is kind of short this year, only six weeks, so I better make the most of it. Gotta catch up on some sleep too, better start now...


  1. Sleeping while sunbathing--not a bad combination!!

  2. Why is summer so short? Year round school?

    1. no, we're lining up with the high school district, only we're still going to get out much later than them next year, but we start back on the 12th of aug. yuck

  3. What's wrong with being a cracker? I wallow in my saltiney good looks!
    I am guessing you and your sister are getting along OK? I never heard.
    Have a good trip! Or trips! You could start your own show. Where in the world is Alex? :)

    1. Hey, that's a good idea...:) Yeeah, we're getting along fine now, c'est la vie!

  4. Six weeks is way too short. I hereby grant you an additional six weeks.


  5. I suggest that you take a thermos of vodka to the meeting. It always seems to make my boring meeting more fun :)

  6. Cabo! How nice for you. Enjoy every second and don't forget your sunscreen.
    Safe travels.

  7. Urgh, you'd think they could give you a week before meetings start! Cabo sounds lovely though, I've always wanted to visit! Enjoy x

  8. Your summer sounds so, so much more awesome than mine is. The only thing I'm going to be snorkeling in is my own sweat, now that our air conditioner is broken. So enjoy it!
