Sunday, February 3, 2013


Here's the new installment of my super fiction novel about a lovely lady and her adventures in 'Weirdland'.

When we left the lovely lady, she was embroiled in some rather wild and quite bizarre work shenanigans, let's see what she's been up to lately.

Ch. 2 Life in The Twilight Zone

It was a lovely day in Weirdland, the sky was blue, the sun was yellow (yes, the lovely lady is quite observant), and the birds were chirping a lovely melody. The lovely lady had been invited to an encounter with some of the important people who ran Weirdland and all its public enterprises. She thought they probably wanted to talk shop for a while, so even with some reservations and funny feeling, she went to her meeting. The whole thing didn't last very long, just long enough for the warlock  important person to give some very important documents to the lovely lady. It turned out the important documents were all about the lovely lady and they listed all kinds of bad things the lovely had been accused of doing. The lovely lady was informed that her services were needed again in the public enterprise where she had been going for quite a few years, and she was to report there at the dawn of  age of Aquarius the new month.

The lovely lady spent the weekend trying to understand why in the world so many people like to tell tall tales, embellish things exponentially and otherwise invent stories fit for a made for tv movie. But no matter how hard she tried, and how long she spent thinking about it, she did not come up with a logical answer. She also started thinking that Weirdland was becoming more and more like the Twilight zone or Lobotomyland, where people don't use any grey matter (mostly because they don't have any). At any rate, the lovely lady got tired of all this thinking, she realized that the only thing she could control was her own behavior and she decided she was not about to let anybody spoil her happiness. 

The evening before she was to report to her old public entity, she got everything ready, got all papers in order and even played a little piano. While she was doing all these things, she realized that Weirdland was also a lot like Oz, where witches abound. Yep, there are quite a few witches in Weirdland, including the wicked witch of the west, you know the one that ends up melting. ....The lovely lady decided to bring a flame thrower with her the following day.....


  1. You can handle it, lovely lady!!

    1. I'll make sure to relay your message to the lovely lady when I see her....:)

  2. Just another day in Lobotomyland. Give your brain a rest for a year or two. It needs the vacation, right, after being used your whole life?

    Hang in there!

    1. Yes guys, gotta give the old grey matter a break for a

  3. You can keep the flamethrower, but stay away from sharp objects when you're around the 'witches'.

    1. Thanks George, I was really beginning to get attached to my flamethrower.....

  4. So the lovely lady has already returned to GrayMatterlessland?

    1. Hey, I really like GrayMatterlessland a lot! :)

  5. I hope the lovely lady doesn't have anymore problems.
