Tuesday, February 12, 2013


    Well, it has been a while since my last post, I guess I've been busy with a lot of nonsense, but it appears there's a lot of nonsense going on everywhere. I'm sure you've all heard about the crazy guy that has been shooting cops and civilians since last week. We call him Rambo, the guy is definitely a nut job, and I don't know if they found him yet, but I read something about shooting in a cabin where they thought he was holding out. Sometimes I wonder what makes people snap like that. I mean, even if he did have a case to begin with (and I don't know if he did), killing people, especially cops, is not going to get people to agree with you. On the other end, our police officers have begun target practice with anybody who even looks like the afore mentioned nut job, gotta love California! 

Update: Dorner's body was found in a cabin near Big Bear Lake, I guess he shot himself, not that he was going to make it out alive anyway. On a happier note (but not too happy I guess), I've come down with some kind of nasty sinus infection. I'm sure I picked it up at school somewhere, yay. That's why I hate winter, besides the cold, it's the only season when I get sinus infections. Now I'm coughing, sneezing, sniffling, you name it, and it ain't pretty. I hope to get better by the weekend, cause this thing is really messing with my training. I went to Kaiser emergency room and for some miracle I came out alive. I'm taking so many drugs I feel like a walking pharmacy, and really, who came up with the formula for cough syrup? it is utterly disgusting, I think poison tastes better than that. I think cough syrup was invented as a form of torture. Forget water boarding, just have the terrorists drink cough syrup instead. 

Now for the roommate advice. The girl I moved in with when I was separated, is giving me some headaches. I'm still paying my share of the rent because I had signed a lease, but she moved the bed I had left there to the garage, and decorated my bedroom to her liking. Then, she's giving me this spill as to how I have to pay the rent because I signed the lease (I didn't say I wouldn't pay), and I should do the right thing blah blah blah. Is it me or this is a little hypocritical? I mean, how can somebody tell you you should do the right thing when they themselves don't do it? Am I wrong? Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? How did you solve it? I think that if I'm paying for rent, then that room is mine to do with it as I please. I told her I would try to find somebody else to move in there, but she was against it. Why would she want to share the apartment with somebody else when she's paying half the rent now and lives by herself? Any ideas?



  1. I'm not a lawyer, but I think that if you're paying half the rent, you can make her put your room back the way it was & then make her stay out of there!

  2. I can't think of any constructive ideas on the room mate situation. Sorry.
    For the sinus infection I'd try a Neti Pot. I bought the squeeze bottle type and it helps with allergies and sinus problems.

  3. I moved out, I continued to pay rent, my roommate put a for rent sign in the window without my permission, I called the power company and had the electricity turned off since it was in my name. She was in the dark for the entire weekend. She had visitors over. They were pissed.

  4. If it is your space, I think you should be able to sublet it without her approval.

  5. I've never had a roommate, and this is why. I know it's difficult, but I'd just try to keep the peace until she's out of your life for good. She's going to get on your nerves no matter what, but it's up to you whether she's just fairly annoying or you piss her off and she becomes insanely annoying.

  6. She's getting the whole house to herself and paying only half the rent. And she likes it. I would suggest sub-letting your room to someone. There's no sense putting that money out. OR- find out how much it will cost you to break your part of the lease and, if it's less than what you'll be paying monthly for whatever amount of time, do it. Unless you enjoy paying for her to have her cake and eat it too.
